I know people that no matter where I see them or who I’m with when I greet them, I know I will get a hug because that’s just how they greet people. And I have to tell you each time I get that hug, it makes me feel great. It makes me think why I don’t greet people with a hug too! I have three kids and my youngest is now 11 and I still love it when he comes up to me and gives me a hug. There’s much communication going on when we give and get a hug. From my son, I feel love, I give back to him strength, comfort, and security; it’s a safe place and he’s welcome any time. From my wife, it says, “I love you!” It’s interesting because by nature, I’m a “huggy/touchy” kind of person and my wife is not. Over the years we have grown to appreciate the value of a hug. I want her to know there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than in her arms. I want that place to be sacred, pure, and a safe place. It’s a place of authenticity and vulnerability. It’s in a hug that we communicate who we are to one another.
So, that’s in my family, but what about to our friends and those we care about. I think we all need a hug because we all need to know that we’re accepted, loved, thought of and worthy of a hug. I remember hearing a story about a young boy who is Down Syndrome. There was a man who was homeless, smelled really bad, was disheveled and people were avoiding him. This young boy, in his innocence, saw past the outward appearance and saw the need. This man needed a hug. This person was worth giving dignity to simply because he is a human being. So, the little boy ran up to the man and gave him an amazing bear hug that brought a smile that I’m sure will be remembered for a long time. Maybe it had been years since this man had been hugged, given attention, treated like a human being. This is the power we all possess if we’re willing to get over our own self-aggrandizement and false pretenses and simply be loving and caring people.
There’s someone in your path today or this week that will NEED a hug – I hope you will see passed yourself, see passed their stuff and simply reach out and embrace someone in love.